Your own cakephp file-browser for ckeditor: part 4 – flickr photos and slideshow

As we have seen in the previous post (Your own cakephp file-browser for ckeditor: part 3 – youtube videos), it’s not hard to implement a search/browser of external data sources, with the ability to embed the desired formatted media in ckeditor. Here’s a similar approach, interacting with Flickr’s API, with …

Your own cakephp file-browser for ckeditor: part 3 – youtube videos

Here we are. The basics are still the same of the first part – making you own file explorer popup and using CKEditor.insertHtml to inject the desired generated code into ckeditor. Of course, the same may be applied to webservices; including data form external sources is not harder than inserting …

Your own cakephp file-browser for ckeditor: part 2 – images

In the previous post we have seen the magic of the CKEDITR.insertHtml method, and how we can use it to avoid the whole file manager thing. The first popup was used to insert files with links to download. Embedding images (thumbnails with link to full version) is easy too. The …