Win free copies of the new book “Laravel Application Development Blueprints” [UPDATED] [EN only]

It’s been a while since the last (well.. one and only) contest held on my blog.  Meanwhile, I’ve been a regular Packt’s customer, looking for books about many different topics (not only PHP). Yes, talking about PHP framewroks I’m mainly a CakePHP guy, but, as already said, I’m curious about other …

Cakephp 2.0 Address Finder Helper

I’m publishing as open source a simple -but hopefully useful- helper. It is based on, most of the credit goes to this script. The Helper encapsulates the client side functionality as an easy to use widget, allowing a cakephp developer to easily enhance a cakephp form with address autocomplete, geocoding, …

Win a copy of “CakePHP 1.3 Application Development Cookbook” (ebook) by Mariano Iglesias

As you can see from my review, I bought this book early, as soon as the raw version was available – and liked it. Now, 2 e-copies of the book (epub/pdf format) are kindly offered by Packt publishing. Love cake? Be the lucky winner! The rules are simple: just read …

Cakephp 1.3 Application Development Cookbook by Mariano Iglesias. The book many cakers were waiting for

I’m almost a cakephp books addict. I believe I bought every available book (well, at least those written in languages i could understand). Luckily, there are not that much to be a problem for my bank account. This is one of the reasons why I immediately got the ebook raw …

This IS useful: email datasource by Kevin van Zonnerveld

Looking for a shortcut to insert contents in a cake based cms, i found Kevin van Zonnerveld’s email datasource. Originally taken from infinitas cms, although not 100% finished, it seems a great piece of code, and easy to use. Just follow the instructions on github to grab – install – …

Single query cache and pagination cache (until a future post) and ad hoc joins. An over-override of appModel::find

In a project i’m working on, being unaware of super behaviours or plugins that may appear on github, i made some search to find fast and effective solutions (or ideas) for the needs at hand. Namely, performance -> caching. Needs stacked over time. I liked the idea of single query …